Athletes are making big moves these days with trademarks – it's become part of the game plan for building their personal brand. They've realized they're not just players; they're legit brands with SERIOUS market value. Have you? If not, take a page from my playbook and peep game.
Getting your name trademarked is like a smart move to protect and boost your brand. It's about taking charge of your image, handling the challenges of modern sports marketing, and inking a legacy that goes beyond just playing games. But chill out – the trademark process isn't a breeze. It's got legal twists that could cause major issues if mistakes are made. Without the right legal help, you could end up dealing with legal drama, weak protections, and losing your brand.
Even though your name is kinda protected by the law, we suggest you go federal. But not those feds... We’re talking the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (“USPTO”). Having legal experts from tip-off is key to avoiding these issues, saving time and money. Skipping steps or messing up the process could lead to legal battles like oppositions, infringement claims, and other drama. Just check out Luka Doncic's story – he ended up in a legal battle with his mom over his own name that could have been prime reality tv.
For starters, the documentation submitted by his mother in 2018, with his approval for the federal registration of his name, failed to list him as an owner in the application for the "LUKA DONCIC 7" trademark. The USPTO granted her ownership of the name in 2020, making his mom the sole owner. Because his name was excluded he literally had no ownership rights to his own name! That’s wild. A year later, “The Don” tried to reclaim it, but the USPTO refused, leading to a drawn out legal battle that eventually settled in 2022.
Doncic's case emphasizes the need for legal pros in trademark applications. If his team had identified him as the owner in 2018, he would've owned the "LUKA DONCIC 7" trademark without legal drama, safeguarding his brand, finances, and reputation. Legal guidance during the application prevents faulty registrations and potential legal disputes, making it a smart move for athletes. So whether you are a young athlete building a brand for the future or a seasoned vet "going for 6 rings like what Phil told Mike", treat your business like you treat ya game - take it serious and Ink Your Legacy.
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